Veteran Command and DTS Map Proudly Partner with the Special Forces Foundation

Veteran Command and DTS Map Proudly Partner with the Special Forces Foundation

At Veteran Command and DTS Map, we believe in the power of giving back and supporting those who have selflessly served our nation. It is with immense pride and a deep sense of camaraderie that we announce our partnership with the Special Forces Foundation, a remarkable organization dedicated to aiding U.S. Army Special Forces (Green Berets) and their families.

The Special Forces Foundation: A Beacon of Support

The Special Forces Foundation is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that stands as a pillar of support for the Green Beret community. Their mission is to provide immediate and ongoing assistance to Special Forces members and their families, addressing the unique challenges faced after nearly two decades of sustained combat. Their commitment aligns perfectly with the SOCOM Commander's Preservation of The Force and Family (POTFF) program, focusing on the holistic well-being of these brave individuals.

Why This Partnership Matters

The Green Berets have been at the forefront of every major conflict involving the United States since their inception in 1952. They have endured the highest casualty rate among U.S. forces in recent decades, reflecting the immense toll of their operations. The Special Forces Foundation not only recognizes these sacrifices but actively works to mitigate their impact on both the soldiers and their families.

Our Commitment

In solidarity with the Special Forces Foundation's mission, Veteran Command and DTS Map are committed to contributing to this noble cause. We pledge to donate 10% of all profits from our DTS Maps to the Foundation, supporting their vital programs that sustain the force in body, mind, and spirit.

The Role of DTS Map

Our DTS Maps, crafted with the highest respect for our veterans' journeys, serve as a tool for remembrance and reflection. They symbolize the paths traveled, the challenges overcome, and the sacrifices made. Each map tells a story — of duty, bravery, and the pursuit of freedom. By choosing a DTS Map, you're not just owning a piece of history; you're also aiding in the healing and support of our Special Forces heroes and their loved ones.


For more information on the Special Forces Foundation and to donate visit them here:
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